When being inside your own mind is all you know, how can you discern between what is real and what is fiction?
The very fundamental stepping stones of life - human and social interaction; to learn from one another and share your opinions on what life is to you. But some mornings you just wake up, and know nothing other than the fantasies that were elaborated the night before, as your sleeping consciousness was overtaken by the depth of your own lost thoughts in a dream. To put it more simply, sometimes you just lose whatever sanity you have because the realizations of life's roller coaster of emotions becomes so much more noticeable; when you are climbing up to the top, nice and slow, savoring every moment, until you reach your highest point - ecstasy. Only to find that you are heading down hill, faster than you know how to deal, then find yourself in the dark tunnels of life. You wander through the abyss, lost in the translations of right and wrong, for what seemed like only seconds, but could have lasted a lifetime. Until, finally, you come out, embraced by the light, to find out that all that was lost in that darkness is returned to you in a waking instant, and you get your sanity back.
When Jesus Christ becomes a reality again; when He's not just a thought, but a way of life. A personal relationship with God is what separates us from that darkness. To remember that having Jesus guide you through life makes you a light in and of itself is sometimes the only thing that divides you from your darkest hour. When that hour comes upon you, how will you be remembered? "We are the choices we make." So when your darkest hour is revealed, what choice would you make?
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Nicely put.
Follow Christ.
Interesting... my response,
Life is suffering because there is no eleswhere. When you are in death the beyond becomes the present, but while alive, life is the only presence. Our fate is to sit before a continous coin toss. One side of the coin is the Light and the other side is the Abyss. Life's one constant duty is to continue and be filled with experience. Spiritual seekers often attempt the struggle of turning the current coin to the Light side. While this can be rewarding, one must turn away the Light that is readily available to do so. There is no action of wasting time only using it. Shall we be spiritually producitive with our time, constantly struggling to dawn Light from the Abyss, or shall we be spirtually content with our time and recognize that there is Light, here and now.
If we are for this life, we seek to dawn light from the abyss. If we are for eternity, we may sit with grace throughout our suffering. In this season of thanksgiving, try being eternal, and turn away from the struggle.
Relax with the effort of knowing that one side of the coin is always Dark. That is the side facing away from us. We are given suffereing so that we may feel grace. We often have the hardest time seeing what is right in front of us, and what is in front of us is the Light; if we accept our suffering we can let in the Light and recognize grace.
Great insight !
My comment: when I stand in the glory of the darkness that shows the brillant light I will face our Might Maker with His son at His side. For He is the one that gives us the ability to live through our dreams. He gives us the ability to see beauty without visual sight.
Aunt Elly
I call Him, Creator of Life and open my palms to Him, bowing my head to say thanks for another day, forgiveness for what I did not do and hoping that I did no harm to any person in the world that was made in His image. Life and death are only a flick of an eye apart in terms of time, so, the one who Creates has the right to Take. There is no darkness, no fear - all, who are people of the book (old/new Testament, Quoran) convers (pray) to a forgiving God who makes no difference in his judgement as to the religion we were born into.
You know I am born into the Catholic religion and lived in an Islamic environment. Today, Nature and its miracle of unexplainable life and beauty - that is my church, my conversation (prayer) to my creator is a private matter for which I do not need an audience. I have grown up with religions playing up to their audience, making man-made rules to enlarge their membership.
Catholisism - The pontif repeated during the Kosovo war that birth control was a major sin - whilst we tried to deal with over 1000 girls and women who had been raped by the Serbs, and would be raped again until they fell pregnant.
Islam - a conversation with Allah 5 times a day for the past 1430 years when their religion split (Sunni/Shia) creating unbelievable hate between them, that is similar to the hate of Protestants and Catholics in Belfast.
In the name of our Creator, let us all prey for a merciful God that will judge us by our daily struggle to do good for others or if we can not, then not to do willingly harm on purpose to others.
I will take my chances on judgement day.
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