Sunday, March 29, 2009


Lately, God has taught me a lot. When I say lately I mean since my last post, nearly 4 months ago. My first semester here at Northwest was full of confusion and doubt, doubt in myself and doubt with where I belonged and where God played into all of that. But as I've said, He has shown me a lot lately and I really stress a lot. The title of this post is one of the many things He has taught me and I believe it is the very thing that if you learn the absolute meaning of the word submission you have found absolute peace.

God has taught me submission, He has had to break down many barriers to show me the meaning of this word, He has broken me. He has broken me time and time again this semester, but with every moment suffered on His behalf has been one more opportunity for God to fill those many voids in my life. I'm not sitting here saying that I have all the answers now because of it, no, on the contrary. Through the many trials I've been through this semester He has taught me how much I don't know. Letting God fill my life where I would have formerly filled it with other temporary things has been the greatest joy in my life thus far. I finally see what God has longed to do with me since day one. All of my confusion isn't gone, but now I know where to look, I know where my worth is - in Jesus Christ who has resurrected me from the dead.

I have learned the importance of submission. If you give everything you have to God, He will break you down and it will be hard, but by the end you will be a child in His kingdom. You will no longer be of this world, but of a new one. The next step is to give your life to Him each morning, to pick up your cross daily and walk with Him. I pray that God will humble you as he has humbled me.

Which Kingdom will you choose to live by tomorrow?

1 comment:

Hudson said...

God meets us in our confusion. When we finally say, "I don't know" to God, He finally has room to step into our lives and turn sinners into Saints.