Sunday, September 13, 2009

Put Into Practice

I long to see those I love come to the Lord. My last post was all about how knowing scripture is a great thing, but knowing the Lord is so much more valuable. To be honest, I haven't had much practice at sharing the Gospel with people and have therefore felt inadequate in the earlier stages of my faith, thinking I was doing something wrong, or that I wasn't "holy" enough. But now, being more mature in my faith, it's easy to see my past errors. Today I got to share the love of Christ with someone who is very dear to me. It's one thing to write about how experiences can or should go, but it's quite another to see them 'put into practice.' It was a very humbling experience just sharing what Christ has done in my life, and sharing my knowledge of the Word. But the greatest thing hands down was knowing that it wasn't me who said any of it, what I mean is, the Spirit took care of it all. When you completely trust in the Lord and give everything to Him it's so much simpler to understand that He is the only thing worth living for and that He is the only good that ever comes out. Letting myself be less so that He can be more is an amazing feeling when it happens. You feel as if the weight of your past burdens are lifted from you because you know that they are taken care of if you can just trust (i.e. it's in His hands).

For many, trust is a big issue, mostly because they don't trust themselves enough and therefore, project their own problems on others when in all actuality it's really them doing it. If you can't trust yourself you'll never be able to trust someone else. Just like the saying goes: "you can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves." Deny yourself and take up your cross and walk with the Lord. It's so hard to deny yourself each day to do what is asked of you, but it's so rewarding letting Christ do His work in you. The only thing in the way of us becoming completely like Christ is ourselves. In the end it's you who stands in His way of having your whole heart.

So now, I challenge you to deny yourself, to get in the Word each day, and to know Christ. Trust in Him and He WILL take care of you. He has worked wonders in my life and has worked wonders for many others I know. He's waiting for you. Will you allow Him to do His mighty work and change you from the inside out? I encourage you to let Him; it'll be the greatest decision you ever make.

Friday, August 21, 2009

A Fresh Start

Don't you love it when you sit down to have a quiet time and God gives you exactly what you needed? Yesterday I read another day's devotional in the book called My Utmost for His Highest, by Oswald Chambers. It talked about how knowing Christ is so much more valuable than knowing scripture. When I stopped to think about how true that statement was it made me see having quiet times in a totally different light. I don't pick up my Bible so that I can say "hey I know this verse and I know all about this book in the Bible," but even though my goal is to get to know Christ better than I did each time I pick up my Bible to have a quiet time, it was never in my mind just how important it was to have that personal relationship compared to just knowing scripture. I think probably most Christians think the same way: as long as I'm getting more knowledge then I'm doing okay, right? Yes it's great to get more knowledge so you have a solid foundation of truth to stand on when adversity comes your way, but knowing Christ is so much more important. Think of it this way, when you are witnessing to someone (sharing your faith) and you start throwing out scripture that's all it becomes. Most of the time when all you are talking about is what Jesus did in the new testament or what God did in the old Testament it brings up more questions then answers, especially to a new believer. But when you share your relationship with Christ people start to see and understand 'real life' application of Jesus and the miracles He works in us everyday.

Don't let yourself lose sight of the true goal and that's Christ. If your goal is to know Christ more everyday then you will find that your love for Him will become deeper every day, ultimately giving you all the tools you need to share your faith. When you grow with Christ you "grow in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man" Luke 2:52 which is what we should be aspiring to each day. Share the Gospel and use scripture to make points to back up your own personal relationship with Christ because if using scripture is all you do and don't share your relationship with Christ then you've missed the goal completely.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Broken. I can't really express the feeling of losing something very dear to you, but for those of you who have felt it maybe you can understand my pain. Even though my heart has been crushed, God is bigger than this. So much bigger in fact, that my issues pale in comparison to the rest of the world, but that's the beauty of our Lord, He still cares. Today the feeling of being broken, even now, is coupled with relief and joy. It brings me to tears to think of my loss at this moment, but even more so thinking of how much my father in heaven cares; and to know His plan in this is so grand.

I have prayed many things over the last few days and I asked God to have it just fall away if it wasn't of Him. And even though it hurts so bad to know that breaking my heart was His plan for me, especially knowing the history behind my dilemma, knowing that He had to break my heart so He could build it up the way He wants is so much more beautiful and precious to me. It's amazing being able to see God's grace even in our most troubling of times... I still can't believe that what has been for so long is now gone, but knowing that God is right here beside me is comforting. "I miss my friend" and even though that may be true my loss has reunited me with my Lord and savior.

Love hurts and it's definitely not easy, but going through this trial is showing me just how much God loves me and how he feels about me every day. All I can do is put it all in His hands and follow Him wherever He leads me. It's going to be very difficult though, but I'm ready. Praise the Lord even through the storm. "When life is in discord, Praise be the Lord." - Anberlin

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Doer of the Word

I am writing this post after an amazing 24 hour period of watching God completely orchestrate the day and seeing so many things come together, not just for me, but for nearly everyone that I came in contact with today. God is good!!!

This morning, sitting in class, I finally understood what it meant to submit and give myself over to Christ. I have said the words so many times: "God take my life, make me a new creation... etc." the prayer goes on and on. But today, God showed me his true colors. Finally once I started listening to that little voice telling me what I should or should not do He led me down a path that opened my eyes to seeing His love for me, His mercy for me, and His never ending grace in my life. It's so much easier when you just listen! "I have ways to prosper you and not to harm you." (Jeremiah 29: 11) When you finally understand that Christ is a reality, when you stop looking because He's been there, right in front of you the whole time! Gosh I can't believe the realness I've seen today. God is good!!!

The Lord has brought so many great people into my life and lately the struggles of myself and another brother in Christ of mine have really shown me the meaning of giving my heart to Christ. "Christ has been telling me the whole time I just didn't want to listen - when are you going to stop giving your heart to the things of this world and start giving it to me?" That just breaks my heart knowing that whatever pain you've ever gone through, I mean really just think of the worst moment in your life, that's how Christ feels about you every second that you aren't living for Him. He's just broken, on His knees waiting for you to open your eyes and see that He loves you with everything He is. "He humbled Himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross!" (Philippians 2: 8) He did that for us!

At 9:11 A.M. on May 19, 2009 I put myself in God's hands, I'm His forever. I can finally say that I am a doer of the Word (James 1: 22-25) I can't wait to see what He has in store for me tomorrow! I pray for everyone who will read this and who won't that you would "find the joy in your life" if you haven't already - Jesus Christ. And may God bless you. God is good!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"Everything begins with choice"

Tonight, I sit and ponder about God, His creation and His plan for everything. I'm not meaning this post to cause any doubt, just simply to think critically and ask questions about why we are here and the choices that we are able to make.

First of all, as I was walking on campus today I started to think: why does sin come so easy to all and why would God make it so fun to rebel against His word? Maybe I shouldn't say fun all of the time, but it happens on a daily basis to everyone; we all sin... a lot and often times in the same areas repeatedly. In the beginning God gave Adam and Eve a choice. There was only one thing they could not do, but they were deceived by Satin and the inevitable and long-lasting string of sin began.

God allowed Adam and Eve to decide for themselves whether they thought God's word (in the literal sense at that point) was enough, or if they wanted to try things for themselves. That's love, unforced - letting us all be who we want to be. Often times God gives us what we pray for or wish for even if He knows it isn't best for us at the time or even at all, hence the phrase: "be careful what you wish for."

When you take the focus off of yourself it's much easier to have a heart for other people, thus teaching you selflessness and the meaning of being humble and content. My point is Americans in general are already set up in a me society. For example: how can I get what I want out of this situation? (That really encompasses a lot of different questions). This sense of selfishness may be more unconscious than not, but we are always wondering how we are going to save ourselves in sticky situations by the end before we even stop to think of how the other people involved are feeling. Tomorrow try and keep that sense of self on your mind so you can be conscious of it, and realize where your heart truly is: is it for yourself or for other people?

You know there's a great saying that goes something like this: if everyone prayed for other people then you wouldn't have to pray for yourself near as much. Pray for other people tomorrow and see where that takes you, see how your heart feels at the end of the day.

Back to my original question but rephrased a little bit: Why does God allow sin to be so easy, or fun to do? The answer isn't hard when you think about it. Along with sin, even though it's fun, you feel it in your heart after it's done that something is wrong, that you aren't meant to feel that way. Sin is only a temporary fix, but God is everlasting. Suffering, it's a word I bring up often, but for good reason. It's through our suffering that God shows us His beauty, grace, glory, love and mercy. Without suffering we couldn't possibly know the meaning of grace. And it is through the easiness of being deceived by Satin's lies that we understand how magnificent a life it is to follow Jesus Christ. In Him all things are made new, there is no death or pain, no suffering or loss, only gain. You have nothing to lose by submitting to the creator of existence; "Who am I that Lord of all the Earth would care to know my name, would care to know my hurt? Still you hear me when I'm calling, Lord you catch me when I'm falling, who am I?" - Casting Crowns
"God desires no man to perish, but for all men to come to repentance" 2 Peter 3:9

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Where do you stand?

Tonight has been a night of introspection; introspection with where I stand. I don't have these nights often, but when I do they're good. I normally see something on TV, or in a film, or read something somewhere that just really gets me thinking. Tonight I saw the new documentary show of Steve-o on MTV and his addiction to numerous drugs and alcohol. I found myself in shock of what I saw: sometimes we are reminded of just how fragile life can be, but then you can also be reminded just how inspiring the essence of the human heart really is. I found myself relating to Steve-o, not in the sense of alcohol or drugs, but just the downward spiral that you can get caught in. We all have our vices - sin, it's learning to control those vices and not have them control you that is key.

Now, my normal thoughts when I used to ask myself the question: where do I stand? I would compare myself would other people and inevitably get depressed because there is always someone who seems to be doing better than me in some apsect of life. But, tonight, I know where I stand and I'm content with it. My answer tonight was to compare myself with God. At first when you hear that you would think it would be more depressing because how could you ever get any happiness by comparing yourself with something perfect? My answer is that I draw my worth from the Lord now and not from others. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I don't care about what people think, but I know how my Father in heaven feels about me and ultimately, that's all I need. I also know how that same Father in heaven feels about every person on this earth: 2 Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance." He loves each one of us.

If you find that you are in the midst of a downward spiral and can't seem to draw your worth from anything, don't wait, just surrender yourself and His holy spirit will do the rest. I promise there is worth and healing at the cross. People will always have the ability to let you down, but God doesn't have that ability. He's faithful 'til the very end and desires a personal, honest, and open relationship with each of us. "Even through the eye of the storm, you are never alone." He's waiting for you...

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Lately, God has taught me a lot. When I say lately I mean since my last post, nearly 4 months ago. My first semester here at Northwest was full of confusion and doubt, doubt in myself and doubt with where I belonged and where God played into all of that. But as I've said, He has shown me a lot lately and I really stress a lot. The title of this post is one of the many things He has taught me and I believe it is the very thing that if you learn the absolute meaning of the word submission you have found absolute peace.

God has taught me submission, He has had to break down many barriers to show me the meaning of this word, He has broken me. He has broken me time and time again this semester, but with every moment suffered on His behalf has been one more opportunity for God to fill those many voids in my life. I'm not sitting here saying that I have all the answers now because of it, no, on the contrary. Through the many trials I've been through this semester He has taught me how much I don't know. Letting God fill my life where I would have formerly filled it with other temporary things has been the greatest joy in my life thus far. I finally see what God has longed to do with me since day one. All of my confusion isn't gone, but now I know where to look, I know where my worth is - in Jesus Christ who has resurrected me from the dead.

I have learned the importance of submission. If you give everything you have to God, He will break you down and it will be hard, but by the end you will be a child in His kingdom. You will no longer be of this world, but of a new one. The next step is to give your life to Him each morning, to pick up your cross daily and walk with Him. I pray that God will humble you as he has humbled me.

Which Kingdom will you choose to live by tomorrow?